Thursday 22 December 2016

Skinner's Lushington at the Crown Hotel, Liverpool

This was one of the oldest pubs in Liverpool, and it’s very close to the central station. We chose to eat here as it had a good value menu and we’d been eating most of our other pub meals at Wetherspoons. Its original owners proudly proclaimed that Walkers Ales had infiltrated the city. It’s now owned by M&B who seem to run it just for appearances sake; but they have done a good job of keeping the pub in a good condition. The bar only had three beers but they were kept well and I opted for a pint of Skinners Lushington to accompany my pie, which was well filled and came with lots of sauce for my chips. The downstairs area was well furnished with ornate plasterwork in the ceiling, while wood panelling hid away the outside world. The pub was very quiet considering that the city was holding a national beer conference. It was a shame that we were on a schedule to visit more pubs; and we missed the opportunity to see the marble fireplace and the rear and upstairs rooms.

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