Thursday 29 December 2016

The Teacher in the Making

Deep in rural Yorkshire, I’m shown the secret of my friend’s success; an old, worn bible for those who want to teach. It’s like the Holy Grail of old, and it’s even yellowed like the colour of parchment over time. It’s clearly a hand down of knowledge from someone with experience; teaching you about confidence in the classroom and psychology to get the kids to behave; even though the introduction denies this. Otherwise what modern day use for it is there other than to be referred to as a historical work?  But is it enough to hold weight in today’s modern world? And more importantly, will the modern curriculum allow people to use these techniques? The author’s time in teaching was clearly before the internet era when teachers were strict and were to be feared rather than to assist in life decisions. Kids are growing up faster and are constantly being distracted. And my friend’s recently been let go from his post as voluntary teaching assistant. Has he been too soft?

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