Sunday 2 June 2024

Wet the Road #Barnt 5

So the bridge has done an oopsie. There’s been a crack in its arch. The trouble is, who’s going to clean it all up? And the bridge itself has to assessed as well. Everyone can get by, but not at the same time, and what’s going to happen if two different types of users attempt to use it at the same time? You know that there should be water under there but you just don’t know for sure, otherwise why is the water there in the first place? And it’s not still, so something could be emerging. There could be no bottom and you can’t see it. Looking ahead, this is just a taster of what’s to come. There’s some very serious flaws in the infrastructure here. Better take the kerb on the right side; the left is spilling over. Hopefully it won’t take long to fix and without any diversions.

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