Saturday 22 June 2024

Richmond Ramble #richmond 3

We were determined to do a circular route rather than a linear one to see as much as possible. We headed north along the high street, taking in the shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants as possibilities to eat out at later. At one point we’d managed to stumble onto the Old Deer Park where there wasn’t much to see other than vast expansions of green fields. Occasionally a jet would fly over on its way to Heathrow. There was a small playground and the opening to a car park but we couldn’t see any deer here or work out where they might be hiding. Frustrated, we backed up on ourselves towards Richmond Green where a cricket match was in progress. After following a busy residential road, we climbed a hill alongside more terraced housing where a lot of it had been converted into flats. We climbed a long hill past a church with a huge steeple to pass another area of shops and restaurants before returning to our viewpoint to return to the hotel.

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