Tuesday 18 June 2024

Riding to Richmond #richmond 1

I'm here in Richmond, famous for its views of London and the Thames. Our friends have cancelled the party that we have come down for because of COVID, but as the hotel we booked is allowed to open, they won’t let us cancel or amend our stay so we've come to make a weekend of it. I'm also bunged up with ear wax and I can't get anyone to pump me at the moment. But I've just negotiated the motorway without causing too much congestion. The only tricky bit was a roundabout with traffic lights and full lanes. There's a 20mph speed limit enforced here and everyone seems to be sticking to it. Normally people are tailgating me, but here I have to remind myself occasionally. We're staying a fancy boutique hotel which is only a stone’s throw from Richmond Park. The rooms are very bright and colourful, and looking at the cars in the car park, I wish I'd hired a sports car for the weekend. 

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