Monday 3 June 2024

Ghost Castle

This was a modern uptake of the original and it brought back so many memories. There’s been a couple of substitutions in that the characters are dressed as ghostbusters and the antagonist is just a ball bearing rather than a luminous skull. It is a fair bit of work to put together and you do have to look after the cardboard as there’s dedicated instructions on how to put everything back in the box. There’s a little bit of work for first-time assembly as well as for each game. The girls weren’t too impressed with it as they were expecting Mousetrap and I did assemble it wrong for the first time, and I hoped that more of the grown-ups would join in. I had the axe dropping in the wrong room, and I wasn’t able to install the wobbly floor or give an adequate explanation of the different footprint spaces. I just hope that they’ll want to play it again.

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