Saturday 1 June 2024

Our Man in India

I've never watched any of the previous seasons, but I picked this one out as I'm heading that way myself in a few months’ time. While I'm only going to a few of the destinations covered in the programme it certainly gave me a light-hearted idea of what to expect in terms of people and culture. May is on his usual comedic form and while he undertakes a few activities which aren't usually offered to tourists, there's some brilliant comedic moments where the fourth wall is broken as filming goes wrong. There's some great banter with the locals as their wares are showcased and you get a great sense of attempting to bond with your fellow man without being elitist, especially when the locals are desperate to be captured on camera and he’s prepared to lose his dignity for entertainment’s sake, especially given our history with this country. Expect few facts, but a great journey.

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