Wednesday 5 June 2024

My landlord is evicting me because I'm two years late on rent. How do I tell him I'm not leaving no matter what?

Do you need to tell him? You’ve already decided to disobey the law. Do you think that telling him will stop an attempt to evict you? Is it a warning that he’ll need more assistance if he’s going to attempt to get you out? By all means write a letter, post it on Facebook, put a sign outside the door with lots of barricades but if you’ve already decided to stay then there’s not much point. You could even telephone him; I’m sure he’s given you his contact details if you haven’t been paying up. The trouble is that the law is on his side so you can’t run the risk of going out again or he’ll just enter and change all the locks. If one set of circumstances change, you can’t expect everything else to work around you. People can be understanding and a little lenient but they won’t put up with things forever.

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