Monday 10 June 2024

Take 2

My hair looks even wilder and my grin looks even more manic than before. I’ve somehow managed to make my teeth look even wonkier. The room somehow looks brighter. It must be the angle of the sun. There’s even a stroke of light emitting from the candle, or perhaps some unknown force has passed through the wick to enlarge the flame. The camera seems to be tilting along to the music. Considering the time it took to make this video, I’m wondering if I’ve somehow managed to copy it on my phone. The sound isn’t great either apart from the doorbell. Perhaps it’s because we’re not miked up. Next time we’ll have to try a more practical location, though we were partially worried about spilling any wax on the carpet. Perhaps the garden or the front of the house would have been better, though we’d have the embarrassment of the neighbours wondering what we were up to.

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