Monday 17 June 2024

Mrs. Palfrey at The Claremont

Dear God, this was depressing. The few joys that this film did bring was trying to recall where I'd seen each cast member before. We're introduced to people who believe that they’re elitist because they’ve amassed a fortune to retire in a London hotel to socialise with high society so that there's no shortage of companionship or boredom, yet too  many lies are woven with the protagonist to create an impression. It's a shame that the other characters aren’t profiled more with similar values to create a sense of humour. Instead, we’re treated to a depressing display of degradation as the characters attempt to escape their lives. There's an attempt to bond with a younger generation to create a sense of happiness, but this is overpowered by too much demise. There's a few opportunities to suspect that the protagonist has had some sort of celebrity status, but it’s not commented on enough to make it clear to the viewer. Avoid.

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