Sunday 23 June 2024

Husband leaves wife because she becomes deformed. No one expected what she did next...

It all sounds a bit cruel and van when you think that someone supports you has decided to leave you after an accident. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to get even, especially if you do it purposefully. If she was to go on and best herself while shaming her partner, that gives her more power. However, the story doesn’t do that. You’re just lured in by the headline. There’s a lot of detail about her recovery and how people are making donations so that she get on with her life, but there’s nothing about what she has physically done. There’s no comeuppance or revenge mentioned here, or any word of her husband mentioned whatsoever. It’s also a bit unclear as to who is speaking at times. But what you do need to take away from the story is that you need to stay positive no matter what the circumstances are and work hard for a better future.

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