Tuesday 4 June 2024

Coffee Table Capers

The camera is angled for a view. I’m not looking my best but there’s little that anyone can do about that in the circumstances. At least there’s room for a more glamorous partner on the sofa. I just have to find one. My voice sounds a little high, but with my speech I suppose that I’m only going to look like a technician, someone who’s going to be clear of shot as soon as filming begins. I do like how the light brings everything into focus before the camera swings to the correct angle. It’s like I‘m getting up in the morning, only it’s happening a lot faster. Perhaps I should have lit the candle to make it more dramatic, even though it was the morning. It’s literally a fly, though it’s in a glass bowl on a coffee table that’s observing me rather than on a wall. But with the picture, it really is nature captured indoors. Perhaps that’s all that’s left.

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