Sunday 16 June 2024

Cross to the Common

We set off from the town's hospital. Not a great place to start for a walk, but it's a very handy point on the edge of town and a lot of buses head that way. I think I’m fortunate enough to say that I've used the place more as a starting point than having to go inside. We turned right and followed the footpath right downhill to the roundabout, then turn right and continue to follow the road in a south-eastern direction. At the crest of the hill was a junction which used to be a pub called the Griffin. It's since been burnt down and converted into housing. We turned right here and headed west for a bit, passing a pillar box with a knitted cosy on top. Once the houses had thinned out, a stile appeared on our left which took us into a field. Here we bore south through a kissing gate into Studley Common, a green belt area that had been developed into a  community nature reserve.

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