Friday 21 June 2024

Sherbourne Wharf

Boarding a boat took a while. We had no idea if the gentleman in the galley was a crew member or someone simply stretching their legs. After a small interval, we were invited to board. There was a small bar and plenty of seats available. We opted for the triangular table which had comfy seats but didn’t necessarily give the best views. In front of us was the horn which was used at every turn. We set off at a steady pace and we weren’t sure what the delay was. The entire interaction was done through a recording. At the first instruction, we looked ahead and waited for the rest of the narration. There was certainly a lot of subtext encouraging you to rent out a private boat. The scenery and route wasn’t the best. At one point it took us past a waste ground where new housing was being built. But it was still a pleasant hour to relax and wave the world on by.

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