Sunday 26 May 2024

Voice Arcade

It starts with an interesting beat to get its audience excited. It then asks me if I want recommendations. I haven’t played this before so it should know my browser history. I’m given a variety of games and a brief description of them. I opt for the first which is the daily quiz. I have three minutes to answer three multiple choice questions while eighties pop music plays in the background. I’m not told if I get the questions right, I’m only told if they’re wrong. I assume I have to wait until the final question is read, then I’m told afterwards that I need to get all three questions right to continue playing. It tries to switch me to another game and I ask it to stop. It then repeats itself so I ask it again to stop in mid-sentence. There is a huge pause when I mention the game that I want to play, then I’m asked again. There’s a lot of repetitiveness in this.

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