Friday 3 May 2024

Angle Pals #astoncantlow 8

What’s the best angle to take photos? Obviously it depends on the subject. Serious photographers might want to take pictures in both portrait and landscape to cover themselves. Digital photography used to be free, but our clouds are filling up, and the platforms have found a way to make money out of this. Soon we’ll have to have a subscription to use our devices alongside another to take possession of them. So you really need to know how to use your device. There’s angles to pose, lighting conditions, not to mention all the filters you can play around with afterwards. There's lots of options to create the best quality images at the expense of filling up your device. Selfies need a stick to capture landscape shots, otherwise you're not going to end up with much other than faces. And if you haven't got a guide, the only other way you can learn is by experimenting.

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