Sunday 12 May 2024

The Balls-Up #dreamdiary 177

Lisa headed onto the court. The other players were nearly double her height and twice as wide, and there didn’t seem to be much movement going on as most of the players were able to just throw the ball to each other. When she did get hold of the ball, she managed to move quite nimbly between them all, albeit having to take some very wide detours. When they ran to intercept her, the whole court shook. After practice, Lisa had to hit the showers. What she saw was the most bizarre sink ever. There was a porcelain trough built into the bottom of it with a metallic drain at the end. This was bolted shut with a piece of wood, and a chain stretched over the whole thing. The rest of the room just consisted of racks to hang clothes with benches underneath. One of her teammates came over. ‘That’s not for showers’ she said.

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