Saturday 4 May 2024

Drum Roll please!

I’m not expecting much out of this one. There’s going to be a roll of drums, possibly followed by a fanfare at the end. How long will it be for? Will it keep rolling until I give it the command to stop? I might be able to set a time for a drum roll or programme it to respond to key words. But it’s just a simple two-second sound. It doesn’t even conclude with a cymbal, and you can’t differentiate between a short and a long one. If I ask for a drum roll in twenty seconds, it switches to a radio station that plays harmonic noise. Occasionally it asks me if I want to start a free trial. It just doesn’t understand the concept of time, especially if I ask for a specific time or give the time first followed by the command. There’s so much more that could have been done here.

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