Wednesday 8 May 2024

Random Passages

It’s nice when you get a quiet train all to yourself. You may be lucky enough to afford first class travel; in which case you’ll geta quiet carriage every time apart from when the train manager cancels the service due to overcrowding. You can sit back and relax, let the world go by, maybe take a nap if you know that you can wake yourself up again so that you don’t miss your stop. Or you can delve in and get ahead or catch up on some work or life planning. But if you’re on a train that’s completing a smaller journey, you have to face the rabble, the great unwashed that can’t travel without a can of lager in their hand and can only communicate by shouting. You may be able to block them out unless they insist on involving you. It’s particularly frustrating if you’re trying to get things done. You might even consider changing trains. And of course, the only other way you can summon help is by texting the British Transport Police, unless you can stand up to it.

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