Wednesday 15 May 2024

A Winding Walk #hanbury 1

We started this walk on the recreation ground opposite the Hanbury Turn Pub. We’d originally planned to park at the Avoncroft Museum, but since it hadn't reopened yet, its car park gates were shut Instead, there were a few spaces at the rec ground just before the school gates. Since school wasn't in session, we didn't have to worry too much about the school rush. After crossing the cricket pitch via a kissing gate, the footpath headed southwest to the main road then met another path heading east where we entered a restored meadow. We continued on a narrow path alongside a hedgerow where we had occasional glimpses into the museum grounds beyond. We did find a gap large enough to get a great shot of the windmill. Continuing along the path, we joined a small road where we descended the hill past a garage and several local workshops that we wouldn't have discovered otherwise. Then after the road crossed a small brook, we turned right and follow the road alongside it until we reached a style on the left-hand side.


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