Sunday 19 May 2024

Pub Crawl #hanbury 3

Once we'd reach the top, we'd understandably created a slight thirst, so we decided to try the Ewe & Lamb. This is normally a restaurant pub, but as it was a hot day we decided to sit outside in the beer garden where a large patio with high stools surrounded barrels which served as tables. There was also a grassed area which was roped off. Nearby, a bunch of suited up chavs supped on lager and wine while phoning for their partners to pick them up in SUVs. We managed a swift half of Wye Valley HPA  which was reasonable, then followed the road north to reach our destination pub, the Hanbury Turn. This was the first time that we had managed to visit this pub since its new ownership. We were still under COVID restrictions so we couldn't order at the bar, but we came in to look at the beers displayed on a screen. Then we found a bench in the courtyard where the car park had been sealed off to make more room for patrons.

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