Saturday 18 May 2024

World Laughter Day

It’s hard to create laughter when there’s so much cruelty around. Of course, you could just laugh at yourself. You could be cruel and laugh at the misfortunes of those with less success than you, or find irony in someone else’s situation, especially when they should know better. But sometimes we all need a good cheering up, and to remind ourselves that there’s still hope. You need to jest in the knowledge that someone will understand the pun and can take it. There’s a good reason why a lot of fictional characters are created. Or it could be an act which excels in someone’s delight. And if you can echo that deed around the world to make good to others, they will do the same in return. But you need to know that there’s a day organised for this to start you off in the first place. And not everyone has the same taste in comedy.

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