Tuesday 21 May 2024

Training Time

Occasionally, I have to take courses to refresh my knowledge of certain subjects. Most times it’s an online test when they change the terms and conditions and we have to prove our knowledge to demonstrate that we’ve understood the changes. It’s usually in the form of a multiple-choice quiz where I either have to tick the box or drag the right phrase into a blank box on a paragraph. The questions themselves are often wrong, and sometimes they specify that there’s only one answer when there’s actually several answers. Sometimes the managers don’t believe that I’ve already done the training. I have to log on and send them a picture at my end to show that it’s done. They then have to e-mail the IT department and show them the status at both my end and their end and get them to figure out why the training hasn’t been marked as completed at their end. Some people like to do these outside of the work environment and get paid extra for it, but it’s not my place to do this.

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