Wednesday 29 May 2024

Waheybridge #Barnt 3

Once we’d re-joined the canal, we headed north again to the next bridge where we exited the towpath and crossed the canal. Continuing west past the Crown, we passed through the kissing gate and followed the footpath up the hill. At the top of the hill, the path bears onto a wooded embankment before passing through a residency to re-join the road. Then we turned right and followed the road uphill to a T-junction. Crossing the stile in front of us, we continued north through the field past a mobile phone mast before crossing the footpath across the motorway. On the other side, we continued north downhill through a field until the footpath narrowed to a track and re-joined a road. Turning right, we continued into the village towards the train station. We turned left just before the railway bridge and followed the road uphill until we reached the pedestrianised entrance just before the next rail bridge. Then we followed the platform to the footbridge where we were able to cross back into the car park.

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