Tuesday 7 May 2024

Weather Watchers #astoncantlow 10

Sometimes I’m wondering if someone’s watching over us as we complete these journeys. Although we don’t plan to do these in bad weather, we rarely encounter it when we do walk these journeys. There might be clouds about, and we seem to miss the worst of the showers when they do occur, though sometimes it is fate which diverts our route. There’s cloud on this one, but it’s warm enough to get away with wearing just one layer. And then there’s the determination to complete them. It’s the act of posing to how that we’ve been out into the countryside to explore somewhere, and it’s the reward of a pub meal afterwards that motivates us to keep going. Either that or I’ve photoshopped us standing in a field full of sky together with some broccoli and a water pipe. But I certainly could have done with a shave for my close-up.

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