Monday 6 May 2024

Midnight Snack #titannabell 20

Inside was the princess, lying down, naked, right in  front of him, on top of her towering breasts. Her butt was lying on what was left of a mattress, though the size of her ass practically made her horizontal. Surely she wasn’t that big earlier? He forgot all about his lost colleagues. He became enchanted by the creature in front of her, rising up and down with each breath, snoozing peacefully. But her exhaling seemed to be shorter than her inhaling. Was she growing right before his eyes? He just had to touch them. A man could certainly get very cosy in there without bedsheets. He got closer and closer. A mound of silky blonde hair rested on top of them. Suddenly, a hand shot out.

‘Come on in’ said Titanabell, and she dragged Polonius in between the mountains of flesh. She pulled him up so that just his head was sticking out, and brought her mouth down to his.

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