Thursday 9 May 2024

Stuck in the Water #astoncantlow 11

This could be anything between a log flume and an open sewer. Though it does seem to be endless, it’s a shame that a boat didn’t come through while I was there. But what’s bubbling in the water? Could it be lily pads or twigs? Or could there be something swimming around underneath? If there are fish in the canal, do they navigate between locks or are they contempt to reside in the section that they’re in? When a lock opens, is it their gateway to possible freedom, or does it confuse them? They may be lucky if the odd board has a hole in it, or nature and good fortune is able to assist them. Maybe there’s a secondary draining system if they can find their way, or they can wiggle their way out of something’s clutches. If it’s something bigger, it might be able to leap out providing all is clear.

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