Thursday 2 May 2024

Bobbing Around

He’s a stern man with experience who’s used to teaching people the old-fashioned way. He’s a man of discipline, but he’s also got to earn his keep putting up with young people and what they need. A crisp, plain, white shirt always appears over a pair of black trousers and smart polished black shoes. He wasn’t happy when I hit the kerb a few times. But he has his faults as well. He’d often pop into places for his own little errands while leaving me alone in the car. And I got one up on him one morning when I’d spotted that he hadn’t placed his L-plate cone on the top of the car. And he was absolutely shocked when the news broke that I’d passed with only four minors. Interestingly enough, I didn’t get offered the chance to do an advanced course. I think he wanted me off his books as fast as possible.

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