Friday 24 May 2024

Tower Of Lies #vampress 20

The tower was starting to gain a lot of attention. It was getting tall enough to block out the sun, and it had started to expand outwards too. They tried to tell visitors that an eccentric was constructing a hotel to create views of the ocean, that was until they’d persuaded them to join the fold or be fed below once the secret had been discovered. Then there were the people who occasionally came after the missing, but by then the townspeople were used to lying to outsiders. ‘We’ve never seen them’ was the standard reply, followed by ‘They left a few days ago’, that was if outsiders could a response out of these bewitched residents at all. Forests were constantly being felled to make way for timber, and it wouldn’t be long until they’d have to rely on sources from nearby towns. The only way forward was to dig underneath her, and take the town with her if need be.

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