Saturday 23 December 2023

We Will Remember Them #eckington 10

It’s nice to be able to commemorate the villagers that stepped forward to risk their lives on our planet’s terrible conflicts. It’s good to see that the neighbourhood keeps these memorials in good condition. They’ve even roped off the green to discourage people from using it as a thoroughfare to cross the road or give drivers an excuse to use it as a roundabout. It looks like the flowers are tended to regularly, though occasionally there has been changes in the flowerbed patterns. I like the idea that the names are entombed within a rock. It somehow seems less morbid than a simple tombstone. Occasionally the shrubbery has been over trimmed. In this picture it looks like a bush that’s flown out of someone’s garden. But amazingly, whatever the weather, the lion is always its purist white. Surely someone gives it a fresh coat of paint at the start of every season?

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