Saturday 9 December 2023

The Last Stretch #eckington 4

With The Bell on your left, continue north along the road towards the church. The guide states that it’s worth taking a look inside and exploring the backstreets if you’re interested in period buildings, though we weren’t able to do this because of the COVID restrictions in place. Further on, you’ll pass the village’s war memorial and its book exchange inside the red phone box. You’ll then pass the town’s cemetery followed by a road of newer housing. As you pass the Scout Hut you’ll notice that the footpath continues past a kissing gate and follows the road safely on the other side of the hedge. This will rejoin the road at the bottom of the hill just before the caravan park. The entrance to the picnic car park is just round the next bend before you reach the traffic lights. Hopefully the car park won’t be overflowing and that you’ll have an easy exit unlike us.

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