Wednesday 27 December 2023

Down but Not Out

Here’s to all the merry gang. We’re confined to our homes for this year so we’re doing our best to raise a glass to promote good beer despite not being able to drink any in good company. We might not be able to seek out new favourites or reunite ourselves with old ones. Instead, we’re mostly confined to bottles and cans. Occasionally, someone will offer to deliver to our door. But at least we’ve got the great outdoors to absorb in our own backyard and we can create our own atmosphere to suit our tastes rather than develop one atmosphere to suit everyone. It’s also a chance to investigate what glassware we have. Some of us have too many and the collection needs sorting or at least rotating. Some will realise that we’re missing certain items from our collection. But whatever we do, we know we’ll be back up and running when we’re allowed to be. Cheers!

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