Friday 1 December 2023


Having a marble table may be a bit rich. It’s nice to have a heavy-duty worktop that’s smooth and looks as if it’s deep because it’s got veins in it and it’s very hardwearing. And at least the yellow beats can disguise any turmeric stains. The shade nearly matches the right page of the meu, even though the table’s older. I’m surprised the menu has survived given the number of pinholes in it. It’s certainly served its purpose. It’s almost as if the whole thing is placed on a Peshwari naan. It’s like a bad attempt with Photoshop. At one point we did have matching stools but we gave them a coat of paint to give them a new lease of live but they came out too dark. Our new worktop looks like granite, but because it’s not as bright I wonder if the scratches will be less disguised. Only time will tell.

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