Friday 15 December 2023

Fluttering Around #eckington 6

Small and delicate, these creatures exits only to pollinate the fruit in our fields. They were one thought to be extinct, but perhaps that’s only in urban areas. So it’s a delight to see them out in the wild, even if it’s on a roadside hedge. They’re also a decent size so they’re easy to spot, though sometimes hard to follow as they flutter around. They never seem to fly in a straight line. It’s almost as if there’s a drunken pilot at the helm. I wonder if it’s because of their size and delicate wings that they find it harder to navigate through the air. Or perhaps they’re trying to fade in and out of sight of the time continuum as a means to avoid their predators which makes them harder to spot and accounts for their short lifespan, at least on our plane. It makes you think what their lives were as caterpillars.


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