Tuesday 19 December 2023

Every Rattle Helps #eckington 8

How long have these houses been divided up by the railway? Judging by the brickwork, it looks like the railway was there before the village started expanding, though there may have been a station present at some point. I’m guessing that this right in the centre of the village where the newer houses stand. It’s a shame that there’s no former landmark to recognise the village’s history. Perhaps an accident occurred that they’d rather forget. At least the embarkment’s looking nice with all the wildflowers growing from beyond the resident’s gardens. I hope they have enough privacy from the trains and that it’s not too noisy out there. Perhaps there’s restrictions in the evenings. It does look like a scenic place to stop if anything goes wrong, but you can’t pick your accident spots. If it was me I’d put something interesting in the window each week. It could a political poster or even just a QR code, but it would have to be something different each time to encourage people to keep scanning.


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