Tuesday 26 December 2023

Bitch Boss or Boss Bitch?

A natural tall blonde that would be at home on the back of a motorbike, with a small pimple on her fair face and shoulder-length hair that’s sometimes tucked into a bun. When she’s not at work she prefers to opt in for a formal business suit and trousers and jeans rather than any kind of dress. She can be loud and a bit boisterous in her opinions and isn’t afraid to tell you like it is. While not married, she’s still managed to be a family woman and has produced both children and grandchildren, and isn’t afraid to tell her friends and colleagues of their antics. She’s also fortunate enough to still have both parents, though they are both declining and she’s had to seek extra care for them recently. Workwise, she likes to seek out things that make it easier for her, but it doesn’t necessarily help you in any way. She likes people to be independent.

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