Sunday 10 December 2023

The Hairtrap #empress 18

Pieces of dirt flew everywhere. A head the size of a house emerged followed by long flowing blonde hair which just kept rising up like a waterfall to block out the sun. Behind the waterfall were two huge fleshy orbs stretching out like beachballs casting a shadow over the land below. The empress leaned forward and rested her breasts next to a barn which were the same height in comparison. She pushed into the ground with all her might to push her ass through the hole which she had created and rolled onto her breasts to get her smooth legs through. She’d just about managed to rest her feet on the other side, then the network of tunnels below her crashed into the ground, and the lower halves of her disappeared, leaving only a wave of golden hair like a field in its place. The tremors could be felt across the land.

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