Thursday 28 December 2023

Give and You Shall Receive

It’s nice when small actions come back at you. When someone’s nice to me, I always try to repay the favour, though I’d prefer to return it directly to them rather than pass it on. I still owe a man in a coastal sweetshop 20p, though I doubt he’s there any longer or will ever remember me. I do return the favour in kind to children as they’re often unable to contribute themselves. But when it comes to giving to strangers, where do you draw the line? Sometimes you feel that you receive too much from others, but you’d like to think this because they believe that you are worthy. How can a stranger prove their worth by asking? If they’ve already performed a good deed for you then that’s fair enough, but you shouldn’t give in to demand. At other times there may be an opportunity to impress others with you that might win favour. So choose carefully.

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