Thursday 7 December 2023

Back to Reality #eckington 3

 The road back is quite a long path that winds into the distance on a slow incline. Unfortunately, it’s also a minor road so watch out for traffic. The only nice views you’ll have are of the surrounding hillsides. You’ll know that you’re going the right way as you follow the telegraph wires. Eventually you’ll start to enter civilisation as a few farmyard cottages will spring up alongside the road. Keep following the road passed a walled cottage painted in the style of a traditional Merchant’s house, and a T-Junction will come into view. Bear right towards another road, and as it continues around a left-hand bend head straight ahead onto a set of steps leading over the railway line. If needs must you can avoid the steps by following the road along to the high street, but you’ll miss the pub and church! From the other side of the steps, you’ll find The Bell on the left or you may prefer The Anchor which is a short walk opposite (signposted!).

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