Thursday 27 May 2021

Wellesbourne Woes

There’s a new kid on the block which is quite fun to visit. It’s a bit of a novelty to visit and you only get to go if you’re in the know. Rather than driving into the site, you drive past it into a distribution park situated behind an airfield. After driving under a huge metallic arch, you turn a corner and a bored security guard opens the barrier for you. I guess he either looks for a uniform or reads what’s on the van. After that you wait in a special lane to be admitted into the rear of the site, but first you have to attract the attention of the staff inside by ringing the bell or giving them a call if no-one’s swiftly available. After that there’s a strict exit through another set of gates to comply with the area’s one-way system. I’d love to know if any businesses at the distribution park use the airfield, but at a guess I think it’s a bit of a coincidence rather than a purpose-built location.

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