Tuesday 4 May 2021

Hospitality Opening will be in Stages

 A lot of us can’t wait to get back to the pub. For a lot of us, it’s a sign of normality as we can see people from different households without the aid of a screen and share an experience. But it’s controversial that our freedoms are being restricted with a pub passport scheme. The first mention of it makes you cringe. If it’s to work like an ordinary passport, then there’s a fee to pay and you’ve got to wait a few weeks for it to arrive. If you read on, there’s a bit of relief as the government has confirmed that if they were to introduce such a scheme it wouldn’t be until everyone’s been offered the vaccine. But if everyone’s had the vaccine, there wouldn’t be a need for the scheme in the first place. So if you read between the lines, all this scheme is really doing is to encourage more people to get the vaccine. And if there’s no charge for this passport, then it becomes no more than a political weapon against the Anti-vaxxers.

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