Thursday 13 May 2021

Rat Traps

I’ve worked out our rat problem. The unit next to ours sells a lot of cheap food which is unceremoniously shoved off trucks onto the ground outside until they’re ready to bring it into the building. A lot of it is unpacked at speed to take onto the shop floor as soon as a space becomes available for it. The odours and mess that remains attract the rats, and because they’re hungry for more they decide to enter the building in front of them. Obviously they can’t tell the difference between the two units so they just look for an easy access point. They’ve managed to dig a tunnel underneath the security shutter and up through the tiles to the other side. Having a bin for snacks placed directly next to this spot didn’t help. We quickly discovered that they acquired a taste for Play-Doh because of its distinctive smell and we had to damage a few sets off and move the rest to safer ground. But the distance that the rats could cover to get to these products was both remarkable and fearless.

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