Wednesday 19 May 2021

Mutinous Michael

May certainly hasn’t got a grasp of what’s going on here. It’s certainly not a place to make an address. But
perhaps it’s a rehearsal in a faraway land. That’s maybe why there’s alcohol involved so that May can experiment with soundbites. Perhaps she hopes that prying ears will succumb to a round of applause if she slurs out the right words in the correct order. You never know what these politicians get up to; especially the backbenchers. They’re quite happy to do your bidding then as you fall, they just look smug as if they’ve been waiting for this to happen the whole time they’ve been serving you. They literally expect someone else to pick up the pieces until they’re officially told that they’re now the one in charge or someone’s finally recognised that they’ve done a terrible job. And don’t forget the spy in the midst who set the trap in the first place.

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