Saturday 8 May 2021

Taxi Terrors #dreamdiary 108

There seems to be a lot of taxis parked around town. They’re quite old cars and I wonder if they’ve been abandoned because they’re not roadworthy. On closer observation I notice the key’s been left in one of them. I climb in and the vehicle starts so I treat myself to a free ride to work. Afterwards I return it to a spot near to where I found it. The next day I find the taxi on the same road but it’s in a different spot and the key’s been left in again. Once again, I treat myself to a free ride to work. Afterwards I decide to park the car in the taxi rank outside the bus station. I drive through the bus station but there’s a commotion ahead as pedestrians are surrounding a taxi in front and they’re blocking the road. One of them comes over to me and explains that they’re 10p short for their fare. I give them 40p and the taxi in front moves away but the passengers start dancing in front of my car. I drive off and park then realise that I’ve just driven the wrong way through the bus station. On the following day I’m not at work but decide to take the taxi for a joyride. I drive onto the ring road with a rigged-up system that lets me steer the car by lying on the windshield. Of course, the ring road is very close to the town’s police station and I’m soon spotted. I pull over and flee down an embankment.

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