Saturday 29 May 2021

Time Stops Still

We have a small wall clock in our hallway that everyone is very fond of. It’s similar to what you’d expect to find on a bridge. It’s got a gold edging and it’s mounted on a piece of mahogany accompanied by a barometer of similar design. Everyone likes to tap the barometer as they pass in the hope that it’ll change to better weather. And of course, every equinox when the clocks change someone must take it down to change the time. It’s usually me. The clock’s mounted on a pair of screws but we’ve added blue tac to the back of it over time to help keep it fixed. One day, (probably a day or so after I’d changed the time) I heard a massive bang. I investigated and found the clock was on the floor. I hung it back up again and thought nothing more to it until it stopped working.


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