Friday 14 May 2021

Cable Guy

I’ve recently noticed that one of my USB cables is looking a bit frayed. The wire’s starting to show a bit through the plastic tubing, and there’s a crack at the end between the plastic coating and the metal connector part. It’s probably not something you’d trust to leave on charge overnight or during the day if you forgot the night before. So I felt that the bin was the best place for it but this left me with just one cable which could make things awkward if I wasn’t organised enough. A second cable would be an excellent idea, and the current one from Amazon that I have is tough and reliable as it’s braided. I’ve ordered a cheaper and colourful one of e-Bay in the past but it’s always touch and go as to whether it works or not, so I decided to buy the Amazon one again. Unfortunately, they were out of stock, but they recommended a brand that I’d never heard of. I placed the order without reading into it much further and now it seems that I have a pack of three! At least I’ll never be short of one.

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