Monday 31 May 2021

Clock Shop

The first thing that I decided to try was to buy a new battery. It wasn’t a regular battery; it was about half the length of an AA battery but slightly thicker. I set the time and things ticked on but when I glanced at the clock the following day it had still fell behind. I removed the clock from the wall and this time I spotted that the hour hand was loose and would only point downwards. As this clock had sentimental value to our family, I decided to try a clock shop to see if it could be fixed and found one in a neighbouring village. As it was close to the Christmas season, the staff recommended that I try again after the holiday period when their suppliers were back open so that the clock could be repaired in a timely manner and that it wouldn’t get mislaid. I left with a quote and a resolution to return the following year. 

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