Wednesday 26 May 2021

Saving it for Later

There’s a bottle of beer that’s been sitting in my shed for quite a while. It’s a special vintage anniversary brew which I’ve been saving for a special occasion. That occasion has never quite passed, but time goes on and the beer has aged. It’s now a few years past the best before date; though I’m told that a few years is nothing to worry about and sometimes it even makes the brew extra special and valuable. I’ve read articles of journalists being presented with such gifts in honour of their visit or to commemorate it by cracking such a bottle open. In this case, it’s a bit hit and miss as to whether there’s a beautiful brew or a sour surprise inside. It mostly depends on how the bottle’s been stored and what type of glass is used. In my case, the label’s now dissolved as it’s been slowly exposed to outside elements so to the outsider it’s lost its mint appeal and it’s a bit of a mystery brew. Have I missed the boat?

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