Monday 10 May 2021

The Joker

He’s one of those people that you just can’t remember how you met him. Perhaps it was at a party or a meeting. Nothing struck you as particularly characteristic at the time but then came the social media request to stay in touch. A cheeky smile is something that you can’t resist and a face that you vaguely remember from somewhere but you can’t say for sure. You enjoy his posts and they’re constant and consistent. It’s topical humour from newspaper cartoons and other stuff that he’s found on the net, but there’s occasional news reports of interest from his area in a field that you’re both interested in. You give them the odd like and on occasion may even share some of the content he’s found. You have to wonder what he does and how he finds all this time to keep searching and posting, although the human touch is returned when he shares some of yours occasionally.

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