Sunday 2 May 2021

Pan's Labyrinth

This was a charming escapist film albeit with a tragic ending set in a historical context. I love the movements of the inquisitive insects who guide Ofelia to the faun. It’s hard to decide whether it was an act of gratuity for repairing the stone or a curse for interfering with it; especially when you throw in the events that occur at the lodge. I also thought that ignoring the advice of a trusting magical faun was an act of stupidity; though perhaps Ofelia’s punishment for her previous actions should have been portrayed more vividly which would have better illustrated her hunger. I didn’t expect this film to be so gory and wondered whether some of the beatings were necessary to film. Perhaps that’s how the Spanish like their films. In a way, it’s an adult version of Henson’s Labyrinth with more realism. Some plots are predictable such as the unification of Mercedes and the Doctor, while other moments leave you in suspense such as the encounters with the rebels. All in all, it’s an enjoyable film.

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